Monday, April 30, 2007

Choosing a Title can be so tedious

In this day and age one oughtn't be given the choice of choosing a title for one's blog. Why, you ask me? Because, the first one hundred choices were not available. After exhausting 100 options, settling for the 101th option isn't really "having a choice" now is it?
But forgive my little rant. Perhaps the fault lies with yours truly. 100 options and they're all taken? What is that a comment on? My lack of ingenuity, my utter failure to be "different" from the rabble? Ah, well I take solace in the fact that I was successfully different my 101th time. So cheers to that and my next little rant/blog.


tseringatisang said...

I completely forgot about this blog. Hahahaha. I am glad we found it again. I can't remember why we created it in the first place.
Why didn't we choose hayakushindekudasai as our title? I am quite miffed. :P
Now we can post my pictures when I become a member of your family officially, as your sister-in-law. :) "Don't give me the evils." :D

tseringatisang said...

Okaeri, Renee-san. :)
Iroiro arigatou gozaimashita. Anata ha sugoi. Honto ni!